ENGL 4330: English Internship

The English Department and the Creative Writing Program at UIW host the English Internship. This internship includes design and website projects that will be a part of official UIW marketing and course promotion. Work will result in products that can be used in individual intern portfolios or as work experience based on three primary projects conducted throughout this semester.

The primary projects for the UIW English Internship are:

1) Cover design and layout for any current fiction anthology (as well as any backlog anthologies), featuring work gathered from UIW creative writing fiction workshops. As designers, interns receive two hard copies of each book they help to bring to press, as well as credit on any future websites and marketing that uses these anthologies.

2) Website design, assistance, and development on two UIW sites: Quirk Online, UIW’s national undergraduate literary journal; and Creators @ UIW, a website featuring creative work from UIW students and faculty from all creative disciplines. This will also include any mailing and maintenance associated with the Quirk website and print issue for the "off-semester" in which ordering may still occur. NOTE: This will help grow Quirk outreach and publication, though the Editing & Publishing course (responsible for the publication of Quirk) only operates during the Spring semester.

3) The majority of work for most semesters will be on the development and maintenance of the Creators @ UIW project. Tasks associated with this project as part of the internship will include but not be limited to:

a) building a list and database of UIW students, alumni, faculty, and San Antonio artists to a be part of Creators @ UIW;

b) maintaining social media accounts for Creators @ UIW;

c) conducting outreach to potential partners and participants in the Creators @ UIW project;

d) establishing regular practices for expanding and maintaining operations of Creators @ UIW (newsletters; web maintenance; events posting; bulletin board updates; etc.);

e) writing and conducting interviews for Faculty Spotlight, Alumni Spotlight, and Student Spotlight features on Creators @ UIW (and posting/updating these features based on an established timeline);

f) developing and executing a podcast and/or multimedia program in conjunction with the Spotlight and other features;

g) developing mailing lists and outreach plans for expanding the Creators @ UIW network;

h) developing and conducting an advertising campaign, with possible video, merchandising, and branding opportunities;

i) supporting current and new Creators who join the Creators @ UIW project by helping them to post their work, create bios, and establish connections for collaboration.


ENGL 3375: Audio Drama


ENGL 4375: Novel Writing Workshop